Massage Treatment
One of the immediate benefits of a massage treatment is a feeling of deep relaxation and calmness. This occurs because massage prompts the release of endorphins – the brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) that produce feelings of wellbeing.
The signature massage at LC Spa is tailored to your individual needs. Each massage therapist has their own distinct style and unique techniques.
Signature Massage
30 Minute Signature Massage
60 Minute Signature Massage
90 Minute Signature Massage
120 Minute Signature Massage
RE Slimming (60 min)
RE Slimming (90 min)
RE Slimming (120 min)
RE Slimming (add on)
50 min DDS (call for appt)
100 min DDS (call for appt)
Aroma Body Therapy (call for appt)
Face, Hand, Chest Massage, Add on
Hand Treatment
Foot Massage Reflexology